Monday, February 7, 2011

Morbid Monday!

I felt mortified in front of the whole student body today. Early this morning we had our rehearsal for our field demonstration. There's a dance number that 10 selected students from each year level will be introduced and dance for that number. I wasn't chosen by my adviser because I was absent the day she had listed the students who will participate.

I felt bad because I always wanted to join the final dance of the program and now I wasn't included. This was supposed to be my final year performing in ALLS.

Not until my adviser approached me and said, "Why don't you join the final dance? Go ahead and join." My mood brighten up when she said that. But I still felt the worry that I may not be allowed to dance because the  number of the participants in the senior year will exceed. She asked others to join as well. I was so happy she lets me dance.

Then the practice started. The seniors were introduced through the microphone. The 13 of us were standing on stage. Other students from different levels were watching us as well to see the dance number. Suddenly, our directress counted us. Oh, no! I knew this will going to happen. She said she only needed 10 and the 3 other students have to back out. But i don't want to back out!

No one wants to leave and the directress was madly waiting for us. I swallowed my pride and stepped back and went down the stage.

It was such a shame!

But I have to be fair. It was my fault also because I was absent the other day when they were looking for participants.

So, I let this happened. Geez!

Good thing it was replaced by a very nice compliment from a teacher regarding my performance and my good grades in school. All the bad vibes easily gone away.

I still thank God for this.


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Morbid Monday!

I felt mortified in front of the whole student body today. Early this morning we had our rehearsal for our field demonstration. There's a dance number that 10 selected students from each year level will be introduced and dance for that number. I wasn't chosen by my adviser because I was absent the day she had listed the students who will participate.

I felt bad because I always wanted to join the final dance of the program and now I wasn't included. This was supposed to be my final year performing in ALLS.

Not until my adviser approached me and said, "Why don't you join the final dance? Go ahead and join." My mood brighten up when she said that. But I still felt the worry that I may not be allowed to dance because the  number of the participants in the senior year will exceed. She asked others to join as well. I was so happy she lets me dance.

Then the practice started. The seniors were introduced through the microphone. The 13 of us were standing on stage. Other students from different levels were watching us as well to see the dance number. Suddenly, our directress counted us. Oh, no! I knew this will going to happen. She said she only needed 10 and the 3 other students have to back out. But i don't want to back out!

No one wants to leave and the directress was madly waiting for us. I swallowed my pride and stepped back and went down the stage.

It was such a shame!

But I have to be fair. It was my fault also because I was absent the other day when they were looking for participants.

So, I let this happened. Geez!

Good thing it was replaced by a very nice compliment from a teacher regarding my performance and my good grades in school. All the bad vibes easily gone away.

I still thank God for this.


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