Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Books Vs Movies: The Maze Runner Experience

I have thought of this a long time ago that when you exactly execute a story from a book to a movie, it won't make sense at all. Perhaps you know why, not all senses can be applied to both. And mostly you get disappointed when it appears on the screen.

But not for THE MAZE RUNNER.

I have watched it first before I finished reading the book. Movie is really good, I was even screaming inside the movie theater for its outstanding cinematography. However, reading it was better. Why? You get to know more details that didn't appear in the movie and you'll understand why it can't be there (You do not need to be a film or a Communication Arts major to understand, just using your common sense will do). Just like the ending of the movie, they were rescued by men and brought to the helicopter. In the book, they were rescued but brought to the bus. The people watching the movie needed more visual excitement than just flat watching a boring bus going to its destination. Showing the entire maze from above was better, yes? There were so many alterations from the original story, but you can still appreciate both. And I'd like to congratulate the screenwriter for not disappointing me. He actually did well in his part.

Bottomline, just because you have watched the movie based from a book doesn't mean you'll lose your excitement when you read it. If you think you know the entire story by just watching, I promise you, you haven't. I have proven that to myself several times by watching and reading both counterparts of different stories. Cite, Twilight Saga! I bet majority of you got hooked in the movie even if you know the books were way better (and just so you know, the screenwriter of Twilight really sucked but many still enjoyed watching. It could have been better, right?). So as The Mortal Instrument, Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games trilogy, Nicholas Sparks stories and many other more.

P.S. If you have read it first before watching the movie, try to ask yourself "Will it be flabbergasting if ________ in the movie?"

P.P.S. Screenwriters also have a big responsibility to keep you interested watching the movie.

P.P.P.S. I suggest you do the same. It's a good exercise for the mind!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Sleep Is A Luxury

When I was still a grade schooler, my mom would force me to sleep every afternoon and early at night even if I don't feel like to. And when she's not around, my aunt would do the same. I asked my aunt why they have to do that to me. I expected to hear "For you to get taller". Instead she said: 

"Sleep is a luxury for us working people. So when I tell you to go to sleep, you better."

I took my chances to sleep whenever I can for granted. I chose to play outside or watch my favorite cartoon in the afternoon. I only understood her when I eventually entered college. It is when I have to accomplish a lot of school work in just a small span of time, I have to sleep late or sleep early than usual just to finish an assignment or to study for an examination. Worse, I have to sacrifice my sleep just to finish a major project and meet the deadline.  

But thank God! The first semester in my senior year just ended! It was was hell awful than the previous semesters I had! And since it's finally sembreak I can have that luxury now!  

Oh yeaaaaaah!

Friday, October 24, 2014

A Copywriter's Creative Resume

Today, I presented my creative resumé in class as a final exam. The goal is to sell myself as a copywriter. And after excellently presenting it to the panelists, who have high positions in the advertising industry in my country, I also gained confidence to share my work to you.

I made my resumé looked like a salad recipe book. And from the cover page you will immediately find out what kind of person I am and what principles and values I hold in life. For those who don't know me yet, I am a senior communication student graduating few months from now, and just because I do not major in visual design doesn't mean I cannot execute something like this.

So... why a salad recipe book?

I personally love salads, green and fruit ones. And I believe I am a salad. It has several vibrant colors that exactly represents who I am, for I am an energetic person who can contribute abundant and fresh ideas for a given project, and that's just what a copywriter should have. In addition, I promote health and fitness to everyone (A passion I'll always live by). 

"Inside are the fresh ingredients I have that will give you a reason why you should hire me as a copywriter", I confidently said. I know one of the panelists was impressed when he said, "You are now hired!"

Below is the first page of my recipe book. I extended my concept inside by placing variety of salads in each page. This is also where I placed the summary of the contents. And since this book is less than 10 pages, I changed the paging with the image of salads instead of the usual numbers. 

"I want people to know me as the young fit copywriter. Young means new and fresh; and Fit is synonymous to capable and competent. And a copywriter like me have them all!"

The next two pages are basically my objective, summary of qualification, and work experience.

 Inside are just a few of my works; such as product description, concept statements, movie poster, flyers, copies, tv scripts, radio scripts, short stories, commercials, media kit and done productions.

The last page is where I placed my interests in an article type (I also dream of being featured in a magazine someday, you know! ).

et voilà! A creative resumé! I hope you liked it too :))) And to those who are searching for a creative resumé, I hope this inspires you :)))

Monday, April 14, 2014

Another Night to Blog

Everyone wants to write something, i think. They want to write something that changes lives, that affects someone and that really hits the spot, whatever that spot may be. It's gotta have "it!" Whatever the "it" refers to.

I don't think this is that blog.

I think this is just the blog that everyone writes when they're trying to write the spectacular memoir on life and religion, or on living in harmony - as one with oneself and with the world. This is that blog - that pseduo-spectacular thing - that is interesting to none but the reader.

Thought number one:
Isn't it delightful to be touched? I think so. It's quite pleasing to have someone want to be close to you. It gives you the impression that they care and may have particular interest. Juxtapose it with all the strings attached and it's not so much fun anymore.

Thought number two:
"Isn't it funny?!" She says and looks at me, laughing with mutual appreciation and understanding, while simultaneously he spouts "Isn't it funny?!" with that same look of awareness and comprehension. And then, looking from her to him, him to her, it all makes sense. The phrase "middle man" comes to life, as does the phrase "3rd wheel." And it all makes sense that Dan in Real Life is biographical and so very, very true tl life. All you can expect is to be surprised, and..SURPRISE! Sometimes things just happen. Which is good! But why, then, is there so much apprehension? And why is it that the unwritten rules are what keep everything all at bay? Doesn't it just make sense for everything to work out great? But - are personal insecurities, and self esteem more important than mutual attraction and happy endings? Probably. And that's when reality sets in again. Don't you just wanna kick it and smash it with a frying pan?!?!

And then there is everyone else. It's good that there are other options. It makes it a little easier pill to swallow. It's nice that everyone else is kind, and attractive and mildly invested, perhaps. I'm too used to it, though, i suppose. I should be independent and take time to "figure myself out" That's not what i want.

Mostly, I do just want to not have to try. It scares me to have to get to know people - i dont' know how! I've gotten too used to being myself, my whole self, all the time and not being judged for it. What then? What if it's not desirable. What if it's not wanted or appreciated. 
Why can't we all just be honest and say what we feel!?

Friday, April 11, 2014

Thin Slicing

I'm reading a book that I enjoy.

It's Brilliant.

In it, I've read about the concept of "thin slicing." A concept so profound and so true that until it's pointed out to you, you'd scarcely see that you do it all day every day! Thin slicing refers to the fact that when we are faced with new things, new situations, new people, and sometimes even old situations - we deduce almost immediately how to feel about it, and how to react. I loved it.

Based upon the smallest and almost imperceptible things we can realize so much.

An aspect of thin slicing that I've become painfully aware of recently is the fact that the WAY you "thin slice" someone or something can often depend on external influences and factors. It's the concept that you're more likely to do well on a test when you shift your mind into a more professorial mindset, rather than the "unprepared, ignorant student" mindset. Nothing changes about your knowledge or preparedness - only your mindset. One aspect I find exceedingly interesting (and often quite obvious) is that when you surround yourself with positive influences, you're more likely to associate positivity with the world around you.

Here's a test straight from the book:

"We make connections much more quickly between pairs of ideas that are already related in our minds than we do between pairs of ideas that are unfamiliar to us. What does that mean? Let me give you an example. Below is a list of words. Tap your finger in the approrpiate column to assign each name to the category to which it belongs. Do it as quickly as you can. Don't skip over words and don't worry if you make any mistakes.

Male ------------------- Female

That was easy, right?....That was a warm up. Now let's complete an actual IAT [test]. It works like the warm-up except now I'm going to mix two entirely separate categories together. Once again, put a check mark to either the right or the left of each word in the category to which it belongs.

Male or Career-----------------Female or Family

"My guess is that most of you found that a little harder, but that you were still pretty fastat putting the words into the right categories. Now try this:

Male or Family------------------Female or Career
.................... Joan........................

Did you notice the difference? This test was quite a bit harder than the one before it, wasn't it? IF you are like most people, you took a little longer...That's because most of us have much stronger mental associations between maleness and career-oriented concepts than we do between femaleness and ideas related to careers.

Interesting, right?

Today - I looked around my room, listening to George Benson, the Beatles, jazz and other such hopes, I saw 3 books on my desk next to my joy journal; "Blink," "Between The Lines," and "Sophie's World." I saw a painting of Brian Andreas that says "Feels like some kind of ride but it's turning out just to be life going absolutelyyy perfectly." I saw a Beatles poster, a picture of my grandfather, my sister, my friends, and Jesus. And as I remember where I've been and who I've left pieces of myself with, I feel content.

I think I'm attracted to positivity. I think we all are- but sometimes feel guilty about it. But because of that, I almost want more of it - to be freakishly optimistic is, admittedly, a strange goal I have in sight.
And so, I can only hope that these external factors really do help my perspective. I think that sometimes I feel them in the things i do and the ways i react. And that - well, that makes me happy.

And happiness is certainly a step in the right direction, after all.


I think I want to start again.

Because yesterday, while drinking the most delicious chocolate mousse frappe I've ever tasted. And every time I go up there, whether to drink, explore or play, I'm always inspired. I really should go more often.

I decided that it's about time I start doing the things I want to do and being who I always thought I would be.

Ever thought of that? Just being who you want to be? Just start.

That's what I'm going to try doing.

And I will accomplish it by doing the following things:

Eating less
Running more
Disconnecting more frequently from technology
Reading books I like
Finding my spirituality
Spending time with people I Love
Taking care of myself and others
Getting rid of so much of the "stuff" I own
Working hard (increasing work ethic)
Redefining, and strengthening personal values

Ah, summer resolutions. They always seem to work out better for me than the January kind.

Not a Deep Dark Secret Anymore

Have you ever thought about what you would do with your life if EVERY option were available, regardless of time, talent, education or money?

I have.

Do you know what I would choose to do?

I would make music videos.

Not sleezy semi-pornographic videos, no no.

Neat ones:

Why? Because they're beautiful and creative and fun. And I want to make things that are beautiful, and sometimes I feel like I'm creative and it would be fun to do.

Will I ever do it?

Probably yes.

 I think I might even make one like this for kicks:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Internship, Fitness and Productivity

I know, I know. It's been six months since I last posted an entry on my blog. I was just really so occupied with things in school, such as my dissertation (which btw a super big deal!), my feature-length screenplay in my Film class, issues happening in my radio production class and more. But thank you, Lord! I made it this semester and finally school is over! I am straight off an incoming senior student in college next school year. Hooray!

Moving on, it's already summer in the Philippines and many are planning to spend their vacation in another country, at the beach or in a province, but not me. I'll be expending my time, specifically 200 hours, in the company I'm working at right now. I just began yesterday and I had fun doing the tasks my supervisor assigned to me, like updating the company's website and their social media platforms, research news and other articles related to their company (Which is more about green living and technology ;)).

And since my work schedule is really flexible, I also planned to spend half of my day everyday working out! Yep, that's right... WORKING OUT! My goal this month is to lose more fat, retain my body toned, and have that bikini body when it's time to go to the beach! After all the work in the office, I'm sure I still want to show off my torso (just hoping that my school won't give me a violation. Bahaha!)

I'm so glad I found a way to make this summer productive! Yay!

I promise to keep this blog updated from now on :))) just keep in touch. I have go, time to go to work ;)


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Give me money or buy me books instead!

I haven't finished collecting all published books of Nicholas Sparks...

So as the set of Gallegher Girls by Ally Carter...

I haven't even bought hundreds of books that I listed on a sheet of paper, and now there are more good books being published lately that I also wanted to add on my list.


I have all the time to buy and read them, BUT... I'm not financially free yet to purchase them all! Tsk! Tsk! If only my parents own a bookstore, just look how happy I could be by just reading all the books I wanted for free! Unfortunately, that's not my reality...

Now, I just want to earn big amount of money and go straight there, to the bookstore, and buy those books I've been longing for to have! or you could buy me one ;)

That's all I have in mind tonight.

Good night!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Feel good, you'll look better

It is really true! When you feel good, like when you're simply in your comfortable clothes or you aced an exam or just having a good mood, you are absolutely going to look better! If so, don't miss the chance to take a picture of yourself wearing your bright smile. Just like what I did! I believe that it helps to remind me why I should always keep my mind positive everyday. You know, self-motivation.

So, if you want to look young and vibrant just like me, you should also start being optimistic, and the rest will follow.

Try it! Optional, but highly recommended ;)

Books Vs Movies: The Maze Runner Experience

I have thought of this a long time ago that when you exactly execute a story from a book to a movie, it won't make sense at all. Perhaps you know why, not all senses can be applied to both. And mostly you get disappointed when it appears on the screen.

But not for THE MAZE RUNNER.

I have watched it first before I finished reading the book. Movie is really good, I was even screaming inside the movie theater for its outstanding cinematography. However, reading it was better. Why? You get to know more details that didn't appear in the movie and you'll understand why it can't be there (You do not need to be a film or a Communication Arts major to understand, just using your common sense will do). Just like the ending of the movie, they were rescued by men and brought to the helicopter. In the book, they were rescued but brought to the bus. The people watching the movie needed more visual excitement than just flat watching a boring bus going to its destination. Showing the entire maze from above was better, yes? There were so many alterations from the original story, but you can still appreciate both. And I'd like to congratulate the screenwriter for not disappointing me. He actually did well in his part.

Bottomline, just because you have watched the movie based from a book doesn't mean you'll lose your excitement when you read it. If you think you know the entire story by just watching, I promise you, you haven't. I have proven that to myself several times by watching and reading both counterparts of different stories. Cite, Twilight Saga! I bet majority of you got hooked in the movie even if you know the books were way better (and just so you know, the screenwriter of Twilight really sucked but many still enjoyed watching. It could have been better, right?). So as The Mortal Instrument, Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games trilogy, Nicholas Sparks stories and many other more.

P.S. If you have read it first before watching the movie, try to ask yourself "Will it be flabbergasting if ________ in the movie?"

P.P.S. Screenwriters also have a big responsibility to keep you interested watching the movie.

P.P.P.S. I suggest you do the same. It's a good exercise for the mind!

Sleep Is A Luxury

When I was still a grade schooler, my mom would force me to sleep every afternoon and early at night even if I don't feel like to. And when she's not around, my aunt would do the same. I asked my aunt why they have to do that to me. I expected to hear "For you to get taller". Instead she said: 

"Sleep is a luxury for us working people. So when I tell you to go to sleep, you better."

I took my chances to sleep whenever I can for granted. I chose to play outside or watch my favorite cartoon in the afternoon. I only understood her when I eventually entered college. It is when I have to accomplish a lot of school work in just a small span of time, I have to sleep late or sleep early than usual just to finish an assignment or to study for an examination. Worse, I have to sacrifice my sleep just to finish a major project and meet the deadline.  

But thank God! The first semester in my senior year just ended! It was was hell awful than the previous semesters I had! And since it's finally sembreak I can have that luxury now!  

Oh yeaaaaaah!

A Copywriter's Creative Resume

Today, I presented my creative resumé in class as a final exam. The goal is to sell myself as a copywriter. And after excellently presenting it to the panelists, who have high positions in the advertising industry in my country, I also gained confidence to share my work to you.

I made my resumé looked like a salad recipe book. And from the cover page you will immediately find out what kind of person I am and what principles and values I hold in life. For those who don't know me yet, I am a senior communication student graduating few months from now, and just because I do not major in visual design doesn't mean I cannot execute something like this.

So... why a salad recipe book?

I personally love salads, green and fruit ones. And I believe I am a salad. It has several vibrant colors that exactly represents who I am, for I am an energetic person who can contribute abundant and fresh ideas for a given project, and that's just what a copywriter should have. In addition, I promote health and fitness to everyone (A passion I'll always live by). 

"Inside are the fresh ingredients I have that will give you a reason why you should hire me as a copywriter", I confidently said. I know one of the panelists was impressed when he said, "You are now hired!"

Below is the first page of my recipe book. I extended my concept inside by placing variety of salads in each page. This is also where I placed the summary of the contents. And since this book is less than 10 pages, I changed the paging with the image of salads instead of the usual numbers. 

"I want people to know me as the young fit copywriter. Young means new and fresh; and Fit is synonymous to capable and competent. And a copywriter like me have them all!"

The next two pages are basically my objective, summary of qualification, and work experience.

 Inside are just a few of my works; such as product description, concept statements, movie poster, flyers, copies, tv scripts, radio scripts, short stories, commercials, media kit and done productions.

The last page is where I placed my interests in an article type (I also dream of being featured in a magazine someday, you know! ).

et voilà! A creative resumé! I hope you liked it too :))) And to those who are searching for a creative resumé, I hope this inspires you :)))

Another Night to Blog

Everyone wants to write something, i think. They want to write something that changes lives, that affects someone and that really hits the spot, whatever that spot may be. It's gotta have "it!" Whatever the "it" refers to.

I don't think this is that blog.

I think this is just the blog that everyone writes when they're trying to write the spectacular memoir on life and religion, or on living in harmony - as one with oneself and with the world. This is that blog - that pseduo-spectacular thing - that is interesting to none but the reader.

Thought number one:
Isn't it delightful to be touched? I think so. It's quite pleasing to have someone want to be close to you. It gives you the impression that they care and may have particular interest. Juxtapose it with all the strings attached and it's not so much fun anymore.

Thought number two:
"Isn't it funny?!" She says and looks at me, laughing with mutual appreciation and understanding, while simultaneously he spouts "Isn't it funny?!" with that same look of awareness and comprehension. And then, looking from her to him, him to her, it all makes sense. The phrase "middle man" comes to life, as does the phrase "3rd wheel." And it all makes sense that Dan in Real Life is biographical and so very, very true tl life. All you can expect is to be surprised, and..SURPRISE! Sometimes things just happen. Which is good! But why, then, is there so much apprehension? And why is it that the unwritten rules are what keep everything all at bay? Doesn't it just make sense for everything to work out great? But - are personal insecurities, and self esteem more important than mutual attraction and happy endings? Probably. And that's when reality sets in again. Don't you just wanna kick it and smash it with a frying pan?!?!

And then there is everyone else. It's good that there are other options. It makes it a little easier pill to swallow. It's nice that everyone else is kind, and attractive and mildly invested, perhaps. I'm too used to it, though, i suppose. I should be independent and take time to "figure myself out" That's not what i want.

Mostly, I do just want to not have to try. It scares me to have to get to know people - i dont' know how! I've gotten too used to being myself, my whole self, all the time and not being judged for it. What then? What if it's not desirable. What if it's not wanted or appreciated. 
Why can't we all just be honest and say what we feel!?

Thin Slicing

I'm reading a book that I enjoy.

It's Brilliant.

In it, I've read about the concept of "thin slicing." A concept so profound and so true that until it's pointed out to you, you'd scarcely see that you do it all day every day! Thin slicing refers to the fact that when we are faced with new things, new situations, new people, and sometimes even old situations - we deduce almost immediately how to feel about it, and how to react. I loved it.

Based upon the smallest and almost imperceptible things we can realize so much.

An aspect of thin slicing that I've become painfully aware of recently is the fact that the WAY you "thin slice" someone or something can often depend on external influences and factors. It's the concept that you're more likely to do well on a test when you shift your mind into a more professorial mindset, rather than the "unprepared, ignorant student" mindset. Nothing changes about your knowledge or preparedness - only your mindset. One aspect I find exceedingly interesting (and often quite obvious) is that when you surround yourself with positive influences, you're more likely to associate positivity with the world around you.

Here's a test straight from the book:

"We make connections much more quickly between pairs of ideas that are already related in our minds than we do between pairs of ideas that are unfamiliar to us. What does that mean? Let me give you an example. Below is a list of words. Tap your finger in the approrpiate column to assign each name to the category to which it belongs. Do it as quickly as you can. Don't skip over words and don't worry if you make any mistakes.

Male ------------------- Female

That was easy, right?....That was a warm up. Now let's complete an actual IAT [test]. It works like the warm-up except now I'm going to mix two entirely separate categories together. Once again, put a check mark to either the right or the left of each word in the category to which it belongs.

Male or Career-----------------Female or Family

"My guess is that most of you found that a little harder, but that you were still pretty fastat putting the words into the right categories. Now try this:

Male or Family------------------Female or Career
.................... Joan........................

Did you notice the difference? This test was quite a bit harder than the one before it, wasn't it? IF you are like most people, you took a little longer...That's because most of us have much stronger mental associations between maleness and career-oriented concepts than we do between femaleness and ideas related to careers.

Interesting, right?

Today - I looked around my room, listening to George Benson, the Beatles, jazz and other such hopes, I saw 3 books on my desk next to my joy journal; "Blink," "Between The Lines," and "Sophie's World." I saw a painting of Brian Andreas that says "Feels like some kind of ride but it's turning out just to be life going absolutelyyy perfectly." I saw a Beatles poster, a picture of my grandfather, my sister, my friends, and Jesus. And as I remember where I've been and who I've left pieces of myself with, I feel content.

I think I'm attracted to positivity. I think we all are- but sometimes feel guilty about it. But because of that, I almost want more of it - to be freakishly optimistic is, admittedly, a strange goal I have in sight.
And so, I can only hope that these external factors really do help my perspective. I think that sometimes I feel them in the things i do and the ways i react. And that - well, that makes me happy.

And happiness is certainly a step in the right direction, after all.


I think I want to start again.

Because yesterday, while drinking the most delicious chocolate mousse frappe I've ever tasted. And every time I go up there, whether to drink, explore or play, I'm always inspired. I really should go more often.

I decided that it's about time I start doing the things I want to do and being who I always thought I would be.

Ever thought of that? Just being who you want to be? Just start.

That's what I'm going to try doing.

And I will accomplish it by doing the following things:

Eating less
Running more
Disconnecting more frequently from technology
Reading books I like
Finding my spirituality
Spending time with people I Love
Taking care of myself and others
Getting rid of so much of the "stuff" I own
Working hard (increasing work ethic)
Redefining, and strengthening personal values

Ah, summer resolutions. They always seem to work out better for me than the January kind.

Not a Deep Dark Secret Anymore

Have you ever thought about what you would do with your life if EVERY option were available, regardless of time, talent, education or money?

I have.

Do you know what I would choose to do?

I would make music videos.

Not sleezy semi-pornographic videos, no no.

Neat ones:

Why? Because they're beautiful and creative and fun. And I want to make things that are beautiful, and sometimes I feel like I'm creative and it would be fun to do.

Will I ever do it?

Probably yes.

 I think I might even make one like this for kicks:

Internship, Fitness and Productivity

I know, I know. It's been six months since I last posted an entry on my blog. I was just really so occupied with things in school, such as my dissertation (which btw a super big deal!), my feature-length screenplay in my Film class, issues happening in my radio production class and more. But thank you, Lord! I made it this semester and finally school is over! I am straight off an incoming senior student in college next school year. Hooray!

Moving on, it's already summer in the Philippines and many are planning to spend their vacation in another country, at the beach or in a province, but not me. I'll be expending my time, specifically 200 hours, in the company I'm working at right now. I just began yesterday and I had fun doing the tasks my supervisor assigned to me, like updating the company's website and their social media platforms, research news and other articles related to their company (Which is more about green living and technology ;)).

And since my work schedule is really flexible, I also planned to spend half of my day everyday working out! Yep, that's right... WORKING OUT! My goal this month is to lose more fat, retain my body toned, and have that bikini body when it's time to go to the beach! After all the work in the office, I'm sure I still want to show off my torso (just hoping that my school won't give me a violation. Bahaha!)

I'm so glad I found a way to make this summer productive! Yay!

I promise to keep this blog updated from now on :))) just keep in touch. I have go, time to go to work ;)


Give me money or buy me books instead!

I haven't finished collecting all published books of Nicholas Sparks...

So as the set of Gallegher Girls by Ally Carter...

I haven't even bought hundreds of books that I listed on a sheet of paper, and now there are more good books being published lately that I also wanted to add on my list.


I have all the time to buy and read them, BUT... I'm not financially free yet to purchase them all! Tsk! Tsk! If only my parents own a bookstore, just look how happy I could be by just reading all the books I wanted for free! Unfortunately, that's not my reality...

Now, I just want to earn big amount of money and go straight there, to the bookstore, and buy those books I've been longing for to have! or you could buy me one ;)

That's all I have in mind tonight.

Good night!

Feel good, you'll look better

It is really true! When you feel good, like when you're simply in your comfortable clothes or you aced an exam or just having a good mood, you are absolutely going to look better! If so, don't miss the chance to take a picture of yourself wearing your bright smile. Just like what I did! I believe that it helps to remind me why I should always keep my mind positive everyday. You know, self-motivation.

So, if you want to look young and vibrant just like me, you should also start being optimistic, and the rest will follow.

Try it! Optional, but highly recommended ;)