Tuesday, June 29, 2010

When I Start Blogging ...

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Why did I start to post random articles along this blog?

Did you even wonder-------WHY?



I better tell you.

I should have posted this before, and because I was new before and I don't know how to start things in here, Maybe it's better to start things right now.

I am JOANA ERICA DANIELLE BERMUDEZ PAULE. They call me Jed, Eri, Erich, Wana, Dani, Jeddie and so on and so forth. But the common name they call me is Erica.

I live here in the Philippines where you experience extreme heat and rain every year.

I started blogging this year because I just realized that I have many stories and thoughts that I want to share with you.

I am so frustrated being a writer. I started writing when I was 14. There are many errors when I am writing my own novel and I never finished an ending with three of them that I started. So I gave up.

Reasons why I make this blog:

  1. To share my stories to hundreds and thousands of strangers that I barely talk to or never talked at all.
  2. Since I am a Filipino student, English subject must be learned well. I must improve my writing skills and develop a wide vocabulary.
  3. Make friends around the world.
  4. Be inspired by reading others' stories.
  5. To avoid boredom when you have nothing to do at home.
  6. It gives me happiness releasing my emotions.
  7. To forget how frustrated I am as a young writer.
  8. To be creative and fun
  9. To realize how useful technology is.
  10. Lastly, when there's no one to talk to about my problems, maybe this blog can help.

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When I Start Blogging ...

Who am I?

Why am I here?

Why did I start to post random articles along this blog?

Did you even wonder-------WHY?



I better tell you.

I should have posted this before, and because I was new before and I don't know how to start things in here, Maybe it's better to start things right now.

I am JOANA ERICA DANIELLE BERMUDEZ PAULE. They call me Jed, Eri, Erich, Wana, Dani, Jeddie and so on and so forth. But the common name they call me is Erica.

I live here in the Philippines where you experience extreme heat and rain every year.

I started blogging this year because I just realized that I have many stories and thoughts that I want to share with you.

I am so frustrated being a writer. I started writing when I was 14. There are many errors when I am writing my own novel and I never finished an ending with three of them that I started. So I gave up.

Reasons why I make this blog:

  1. To share my stories to hundreds and thousands of strangers that I barely talk to or never talked at all.
  2. Since I am a Filipino student, English subject must be learned well. I must improve my writing skills and develop a wide vocabulary.
  3. Make friends around the world.
  4. Be inspired by reading others' stories.
  5. To avoid boredom when you have nothing to do at home.
  6. It gives me happiness releasing my emotions.
  7. To forget how frustrated I am as a young writer.
  8. To be creative and fun
  9. To realize how useful technology is.
  10. Lastly, when there's no one to talk to about my problems, maybe this blog can help.

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