Why am I here?
Why did I start to post random articles along this blog?
Did you even wonder-------WHY?
I better tell you.
I should have posted this before, and because I was new before and I don't know how to start things in here, Maybe it's better to start things right now.
I am JOANA ERICA DANIELLE BERMUDEZ PAULE. They call me Jed, Eri, Erich, Wana, Dani, Jeddie and so on and so forth. But the common name they call me is Erica.
I live here in the Philippines where you experience extreme heat and rain every year.
I started blogging this year because I just realized that I have many stories and thoughts that I want to share with you.
I am so frustrated being a writer. I started writing when I was 14. There are many errors when I am writing my own novel and I never finished an ending with three of them that I started. So I gave up.
Reasons why I make this blog:
- To share my stories to hundreds and thousands of strangers that I barely talk to or never talked at all.
- Since I am a Filipino student, English subject must be learned well. I must improve my writing skills and develop a wide vocabulary.
- Make friends around the world.
- Be inspired by reading others' stories.
- To avoid boredom when you have nothing to do at home.
- It gives me happiness releasing my emotions.
- To forget how frustrated I am as a young writer.
- To be creative and fun
- To realize how useful technology is.
- Lastly, when there's no one to talk to about my problems, maybe this blog can help.